
A Heck Of a Year 

Hello All,

Soon, a new single, “A Heck Of a Year”, will be available for streaming and purchase everywhere.

A couple of things to know:

The singer is James Walsh of the band Starsailor fame.

Music is composed by Martin Krampl. Sam Willmott wrote the lyrics.

The tune was arranged by Peter Breiner, who also conducted the orchestra provided by Synchron Stage Vienna.

Jakob Ahlbom programmed all electronics.

The track was recorded, mixed and mastered by Bernd Mazagg.

Upon its release, the song will be available  in all formats(CD quality, High Res Audio and Dolby Atmos)

There is a plan to release an accompanying video at some point in the future.


Enjoy the preview below. 

"You Think You Know Until You Don't" 

Hello Everybody,

It's been a while. I'm silent but not done. I spent the last 16 months working with Peter Breiner and Jakob Ahlbom, putting together a batch of fresh music. 

Now we have more than a hundred minutes of new music. We will spend the next five days at Synchron Stage Studio recording it with live musicians. I will be posting about the process regularly on my socials. 

From time to time, check my YouTube channel as well. I will try to live-stream recording sessions if Youtube allows it.

Mountains To Climb (Still)  

Hello Everybody,

The good news! The new album "Mountains To Climb (Still)" by Martin Krampl & Gary Husband will be released shortly. 

There is no doubt that Gary is a great multi-instrumentalist, but you will be surprised to find out that his singing is even better.

The release date of a new album will be announced next week. Until then check the first track from the album.


If I Were Behind The Scenes 

Hello Everybody,

Album "Things That Are Coming" now available on all major streaming services. "If I were" music video is now available on Youtube.

Here is your weekend treat. Check below how Adam Barker, Jo Price & Louis Hall shoot the video.